Bod Petryal

The other day we went on a walk to Bod Petryal. This next bit of information has been taken from the Natural Resources Wales website.

The many miles of quiet forest roads make Clocaenog Forest an ideal location for family cycling and a short cycle trail is waymarked from Bod Petryal. Clocaenog Forest is also home to red squirrels. These secretive animals range over large areas so you will need to keep your eyes peeled and your fingers crossed to spot one! This area was once part of the Pool Park Estate and Bod Petryal (which means "rectangular dwelling" in Welsh) is named after the old gamekeeper’s cottage.
The Keeper’s Stroll walking trail goes through the oldest conifer trees in the forest and passes by the gamekeeper’s cottage. The picnic site has benches set around a large lake.

 Here are photos of some of the wildlife we saw.

A hoverfly siting on a dandelion

Little orange fly, possibly a species of phorid fly

I think this one might be a speckled bush cricket.

A cheese snail sat on a leaf

The big, beautiful lake

a root and its reflection looks like a fish


  1. Again such lovely photos, I really hope I can manage to see some of these places. I'm so envious that I can't get to such wonderful places myself. Well done.


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