Chester Zoo

The other day we went to Chester Zoo. Although the weather was rubbish we still had a wonderful time. We usually go quite often because we are members but due to restrictions the zoo was closed down. The zoo were struggling to feed the animals and were worried about them. Luckily the government said that zoos could open!

We love going to the zoo to see animals from all over the World. Chester Zoo have 128 acres of zoological gardens which house 35,000 animals and have 2 million visitors every year. The zoo was opened in 1931 by George Mottershead and his family. The BBC did a series called 'Our Zoo' all about how the zoo started and the problems they had. There have been loads of changes and improvement over the years, two recent additions are The Madagascar area which opened in 2018 and the new lion enclosure which opened in 2019. There newest additions are the first ever Andean bear twins to be born in the UK! We didn't manage two see them this time but hopefully we will see them next time. Chester Zoo often has baby animals as they have a very good breeding program and we have seen many different ones on our other visits. Chester Zoo have a conservation project that they run and their mission is preventing extinction. They are currently running conservation projects all over the World. If you can't get to Chester Zoo there is a program called the 'The Secret Life of The Zoo' broadcasted by Channel 4. You can also check out their YouTube and Facebook pages. 

Prevost's squirrel

Grevy's zebra

Southern Cassowary


Painted dogs

Grey crowned crane

Rock hyrax

We also spotted wild moorhen nesting in a river

And some black headed gulls


  1. You certainly crammed a lot into your visit, I agree that it is a great zoo and have enjoyed my visits there. Sadly the weather wasn't too good, but next time .......


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