Our little adventure

We went for a walk to find a local scarecrow, we managed to find the Gruffalo. We went on a 6KM walk and found lots of wildlife.


This hoverfly's scientific name is Helophilus trivittatus. They are often found in moist areas and wetlands.

Common blue

My little brother spotted this butterfly. I think its a common blue, but it colours are a bit patchy. I think it might have just hatched from its pupa. 

Common red soldier beetle

Also known as bloodsucker beetle or hogweed bonking beetle. Adults feed on aphids, and also eat pollen and nectar. Larvae prey on invertebrates, such as slugs and snails. There are about 40 species of soldier beetle in the UK, displaying various colour combinations of black, red and orange.

Oh no its a Gruffalo!


  1. What an interesting walk, it's surprising what you find when you looking out for interesting things

  2. Hello Henry, you have got photos of some interesting animals. That Gruffalo looks huge! :)


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