What I have seen on my walks and in our garden this week

Sorry I have been quiet this week. The weather has been rubbish but we still have been going on walks and looking through the window. Here are some of the wildlife I have found this week!

A small tortoiseshell butterfly enjoying the rare glimpse of sunshine

The squirrel has been visiting

And the Woodpecker! Ours seems to be enjoying the new peanut feeder as well

We are not sure what this flower is that we saw on our walk, but it is very pretty

We have had what we think is a baby robin visiting. He/she comes very close to the door

And also a baby goldfinch

We saw a harlequin ladybird on the wall by our house

The weather is looking more promising this weekend so hopefully with restrictions easing, we should be able to go somewhere for a walk. 


  1. Wonderful photos as usual, you certainly have the eye for composition as well as finding the fantastic wildlife


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