Scotland Part 2

 Here are some more photos I took on our lovely staycation in Scotland!

Rosebay Willowherb

The tall, pink flower spikes of Rosebay willowherb can often be seen crowding together in groups in open spaces, such as woodland clearings, roadside verges, grassland and waste ground. This is sometimes called 'Bombweed' as the conditions caused by the bombing and burning of the ground during the World Wars in the towns and countryside were perfect for the plant to grow.

Mute Swan

The mute swan is one of the most well known birds in the UK with a body length of 125 to 170 cm and a bright orange beak. there are around 500,000 mute swans worldwide including young. They can reach speeds of 80 KM/H and a life span of 19-40 years. This swan was on the river in Balloch with its partner and 8 cygnets.

Falls of Dochart

The wonderful Falls of Dochart run through the small town of Killin, in Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park. Found at the end of Loch Tay, the waters of the Falls of Dochart can be viewed from the village’s bridge. We stopped off here on our Scottish Scenic Route tour and spend a while walking over the rocks and watching the water. This was a lovely little village and reminded me of a village near us called Betws Y Coed.

Carrion crow

The carrion crow has a length of 45-47 cm and weighs 370-650g. The carrion crow was protected by The Wildlife and Countryside Act in 1981. They can be found in woodlands, farmlands, grasslands and heathlands.


The chaffinch is a very common finch that can be found in your garden and on farms. Chaffinches eat seeds and insects and will visit bird tables, which is where I spotted this one. Chaffinches can be seen all year round and more than 6 million pairs breed in the UK every summer.

Grey Heron

Spot these tall birds standing on the edge of ponds and lakes looking and waiting for their next meal. We saw this one on perched on an old boat. These birds spend most of their time alone feeding mainly on fish but if there are no fish around they will happily eat a mole!


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