What I have done and seen this week

This week I haven't been out and about as much, but have seen lots of wildlife. Here is some of the things I have seen!

A beautiful sunset I could see from our balcony

Speckled wood butterfly and water spider in Brookhouse Mill

A diadem spider outside our playroom window

Baby ducks following their mother

Ruthin Park

Today we went to Ruthin park and saw some swans and ducks. We were lucky enough to see 6 cygnets, a moorhen and some ducklings. When we saw the dad swan my mum said to me she had read an article and it said that the dad has arthritis.

A close-up of a ducks face. I am very proud of this photo.

A duck swimming

3 ducklings swimming happily

1 of the 6 cygnets by the pond

1 happy moorhen

The mum swan sunbathing


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