Field Mouse

 In our garden, there has been a regular visitor at night. Thanks to my camera trap we got some good shots. We left some old sunflower heads in a drawer in the garden, this mouse seemed to visit every night and help himself to the seeds

Here are some videos!

I think this is a field mouse due to the shape of its nose and large back feet. The field mouse is also known as the wood mouse. They are a cautious mouse and always sniff anything unfamiliar. Field mice tend to mostly eat seeds but will also eat snails, insects, fruit, berries, nuts and fungi. Their tricky to spot because their fast and are nocturnal. They sleep in burrows during the day and look for food at night. They play an important role in woodland ecology, because they store seeds in the ground and often forget they are there, which means new trees are planted. They are the most common mouse in the UK, followed by the house mouse.  


  1. Looks like a field mouse to me too, mainly because it has a long tail in ratio to its body. Camera trap seems to be working well.


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