Massive Female Cross Orbweaver spider

Sorry I have been a bit quiet, my camera has gone to a shop to be mended. I'm due to get it back this week. I'm SO exited! In our garden we have a massive diadem spider. I got some good pictures of her with her food and also her wrapped up food. We went to look this morning to see if she was out, we couldn't see her or any food. I just had a look then and saw her on the mini greenhouse frame. These pictures are taken from my mum's phone.

Her wrapping a fly up

Her eating the fly

Cross Orbwever

The cross orbweaver is also called European garden spider, diadem spider, orangie, cross spider and crowned orb weaver. The females can grow to be 20 millimeters, and the males are smaller. Adults can be found from late summer to autumn so now is the perfect time to see them. Females can lay between 300-900 eggs, so that means this spider could make 900 spiderlings. If you were to get bitten by this spider it would cause pain, swelling, and redness.


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