Minibeasts 2

 I haven't noticed a lot of bugs in our garden recently, but here are a few I have seen out and about.

You can find minibeasts anywhere whether it is a wasp on a thistle near a pond or a ladybird sitting on a sunflower leaf.

Comma Butterfly

Comma Butterflies are found in Asia, Europe and North Africa. The adults have a lifespan of up to a month. They eat tree sap, rotten or rotting fruit so if you want to encourage these beautiful species to your garden you could put out fruit.

Yellow slug

These slugs live in Wales and England and are found in towns and gardens. You can see them all year round and they can get 10cm in length.

Meadow brown

Meadow browns are found in Europe, Russia, Asia, Iraq, Iran, North Africa and the Canary Islands. The larvae feed on grasses and adults can be seen flying in big numbers. This butterfly flies whether its raining or not. This species is the most common in grasslands.

Brown lipped snail

These snails can be found all year round, I spotted this on the path under a bench. Its scientific name is Cepaea nemoralis. It prefers damp spots in a wide range of habitats, from gardens to grasslands, woods to hedges.


  1. So interesting, I didn't realise there were so many types if beasts


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