Swallow mum and chick

 When we went to White Scar Caves we noticed lots of swallows flying around, and then a lady pointed out a swallows nest on the inside of the shelter. We stood very quietly and heard what we thought were chicks. We were right! A little chick suddenly popped its head out.

Swallows were swooping around and the mum and dad would swoop above our head and feed the chick. It was quite tricky for the mum and dad to get there because it was very windy. It took several attempts for the parents to get to the nest, because it was so gusty. Here's a video to show you them!


Swallows nest in sheds and barns and often sit and sing on a aerial or wire. They visit Europe in large groups in the summer. They will fly around villages and hedges to look for their favourite food, flying insects like big flies. They weigh around 20g and around 800,000 pairs breed in the British isles every year. In Britain you can find them everywhere except in the Scottish Highlands and islands. Swallows struggle to nest as many barns are being converted into houses. Also the use of pesticide has affected their food supply. Their full names are Barn Swallows and their scientific name is Hirundo rustica. 


  1. You were lucky seeing them and their chicks, good photos as usual.

  2. Aww that’s amazing they are so cute.


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