
One day whilst having lunch, we saw two greenish birds. I had no clue what they were.

I looked in my bird book and found out they were greenfinches, one male and one female.


Greenfinches live in woods and hedges and visit gardens for food. In the 19th century, greenfinches were rare garden visitors because they only lived in the countryside. During the awful winter of 1962 - 1963 they started visiting gardens looking for food. Peanuts from bird tables made up 97% of their food. This is why they love peanuts so much and we now see them in our gardens more often. They are the same size as chaffinches and measure around 15cm. I have never seen these in our garden before and it is a good sign that they are visiting.


  1. Aren't you lucky seeing such a variety of different birds, good photos


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