Hoo Farm Animal Kingdom animal expirience

I recently went on a photography course in Hoo farm with Jessops. Pete Walker was our photography teacher for the day and learnt a lot about manual techniques of photography. Hopefully my photos will improve now! Becky, the zoo keeper, taught us about the animals, she had a wonderful relationship with them, because she had hand reared and rescued most of them. It was so fun because we got to go in some of the enclosures - even wolves! I was very tired after because it was an 8 hour course! I would recommend this course to all the wildlife photographers out there. Here are some photos and facts.


We went in the enclosure with the meerkats and they were running round our feet and investigating what we were doing. Meerkats are found in Africa and are part of the Mongoose family. There scientific name is Suricata suricatta. A group of meerkats is called a mob, gang or clan and contain around 20 meerkats. 


These amazing creatures smell of popcorn and can hang upside down by their tails! They have long, heavy bodies and small legs. They also have big, black eyes. It was very funny when one of them hung down and took Becky's bobble hat.


The serval also known as tierboskat lives in Africa. I really like the way their ears move when listening for danger. The spots and stripes on their fur give them excellent camouflage. We had to be careful in case they sprayed on our bags. 

Desert hedgehog

They are the smallest species of hedgehog in the world although there quills tend to be longer than any other hedgehog. I thought he/she is really cute but I wouldn't want to touch her/him.

Boa constrictor

This was out of its enclosure and we got to get up close to take some photos and stroke it. I loved its beautiful markings and its forked tongue.

Whilst I was in the course with my Dad, my Mum and brother saw all the animals and even got to feed some, he liked feeding the ostrich. My brothers favourite animal was the meerkat because he got to stroke one. After lockdown I would like to take my grandparents there and do another animal experience. I am keen to do some of Jessops other courses.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful course and day. Both you and Tommy must have really enjoyed yourselves. Your photos are brilliant, good luck with all your photography
    Sorry I didn't comment earlier but I was so impressed with the photos that I didn't read all the information.


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