Male Sparrowhawk

 This morning, we were having breakfast when I spotted this bird of prey on our fence.

I wasn't 100% sure what it was, so we had a look and found out it was a male sparrowhawk. Apologies for the picture, it was taken from a distance inside and through the window. We've never seen it in our garden so we think it was looking for food.


Sparrowhawks live in woods, gardens and valleys, if you see one in your garden it means you have a healthy garden because there are lots of birds for the sparrowhawk to eat. Sparrowhawks eat birds such as sparrows, chaffinches, starlings and thrushes. They will also take voles, mice and rabbits and if they cant find anything like this they will eat insects like beetles. They don't just go round killing everything though, they only kill what they need. Sometimes there meals are days apart. Adult sparrowhawks kill about 30kg of prey each year. I know this is a male because there plumages differs to the female. A female has a browner back with a grey front, where as the male has a grey back and a rust red front. The young are even browner than the female. The females are bigger than the males measuring about 35cm and the males measure 29cm. 

It was exciting to see him this morning but I don't want him to eat all the garden birds.


  1. What a lovely surprise for breakfast and wonderful photos, especially as you probably had to find the camera quickly. You really are doing so well with this blog and it is obviously helping you find and photograph all the interesting wildlife that surrounds us. Keep going


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