
Showing posts from November, 2020

Camera Trap

 Recently I have set up my camera with a motion sensor and night vision (camera trap) in a local woods over night. Here are some things I saw. Here are some squirrels eating Here is a video of a mouse and you can here some tawny owls hooting. I was really excited to hear tawny owls in our local area.  I also got some shots of Blackbirds, Wrens and hear hooting Owls. There were a few scratching's which we thought were from badgers and hope that we would see some. We put out peanuts and hedgehog food which we bought from Jus4Paws  and hoped for them to come out. We put the hedgehog food out to encourage the hedgehogs. Unfortunately there were no hedgehogs or badgers although we have had a hedgehog in the garden before. I am very pleased of what we saw though. The squirrels were having a lot of fun. 

Autumn leaves and berries

We are now in autumn, I like autumn because I enjoy seeing all the different colours appearing every day. Recently as it was half term and we were in lockdown in Wales, we have been on a lot of long walks. I have seen a lot of fallen leaves and a loads of berries on the bushes. This is us having fun in the woods Max has also enjoyed being off his lead in the woods Rose hips in the wild are eaten by birds, squirrels and rabbits. Rose hips are the seed or fruit from rose plants and are edible, they are a great source of vitamin C. Holly berries are poisonous to humans and pets, but they are enjoyed by blackbirds, fieldfares, redwings and thrushes. The leaves of the holly bush take so long to break down, hedgehogs, small mammals, toads and slow worms hibernate in the leaf litter underneath the tree. We also spotted a lot of fungi whilst walking in the field by our house. And it was nice to be able to walk in the woods by St. Dyfnog's well behind the church in our village    We have al