
Showing posts from December, 2020

Years Round-Up

For Christmas I got a new lens for my new camera and have been taking a lot of new photos. Below are some of the photos I have taken testing out the new lens. This is a photo I took yesterday of a Collered Dove about to land. I am very proud of this photo as I wasn't expecting it to look very good. I think this is Honey Mushrooms that I took a photo of at St Dyfnogs Well by our house. I took this photo using macro mode. Please let me now if you recognize it. Today we went to St Dyfnogs Well and found this tiny Grey Wagtail hopping along the river. I managed to get some good shots of it when it stopped. I was surprised to wake up this morning to snow! My favourite weather. I have noticed some periwinkles growing on the side of the road, despite the cold weather. Thank you all for viewing my blog and the lovely comments throughout the year.  My favourite blog this year has been 30 Days Wild - Day 7 which had pictures of woodpeckers in our garden. I also enjoyed setting up the camera

Ash dieback

On November 7th, we went for a family walk to Llwyn Woods. We have been here before and I have written a post about this lovely woods in the past. On the way in we noticed a sign that said the woods was suffering from Ash dieback. Ash dieback ,also known as chalara, is responsible for killing 80% of the UK Ash population. Originally it was a disease from Asia and then arrived in Europe, and travelled across to the UK in spring 2012. The spores from the dieback can blow ten miles and then land on the leaves and sticks of another Ash tree. The fungus starts growing inside the tree, blocking the water system which makes the tree die. The tree can fight back but year by year the infections will kill it. If Ash disappears in the UK rabbits, cows and goats will have to find something else to munch on, but hopefully we can stop Ash dieback and let Ash trees live on!!