Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

 Over the weekend we have taken part in the Big Garden Birdwatch 2021 run by the RSPB. This involved sitting for an hour to record the maximum number of a type of bird in your garden at any one time. I did it on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to see the difference. We certainly have a lot of sparrows, the most we recorded were 23. We have noticed a new visitors in our garden, Chaffinches.

Male Chaffinch
My Bar Charts
Me marking down the birds
My Top Trumps cards

I have noticed House Sparrows were the most common with 23 and the Wren was the least with 1. We only saw one of each of these birds as well - Collared Dove, Coal Tit and Woodpigeon. There are usually more of these birds in our garden, just they didn't show up for the count.

Here are some photos of birds in our garden.

Collared Dove
Female Blackbird


  1. Brilliant - both photos and the work you did. One thing though, your blackbird looks like it has a yellow beak, but I thought females had a dark one. Just food for thought although this is from memory and we all know how much I forget!
    Keep going with the blog, it is so interesting.


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