Bird Feeders

This week, I have been set a task by my school to make a bird feeder ready for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. We made our bird feeders today and here's some picture of mine and Tommy's.

My bird feeder is a dispenser so when the bottom is empty, some more seeds fall out. Tommy's bird feeder has a little hole so the birds go in to get seeds. We also made one out of string, pipe cleaner and Cheerios. Our school is encouraging us to join in with the Big School Birdwatch which takes place on the 6 January - 21st February 2021. We are also going to do the Big Garden Birdwatch as a family which takes place on the 25th January - 27th January. Lately we have noticed some long-tailed tits in the garden, hopefully they will come for the hour long Birdwatch.


  1. Very clever, I'm sure the birds will be very happy to have a non stop supply of their favourite food. I tried a string of apples and oranges, dipped in peanut butter then covered in seeds - the birds were not very interested. Oh well, perhaps I can try one of your designs.
    Love the long tailed tit

  2. Wow henry I
    love the bird feeders


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