
 It's 2021 and I'm starting the same as last year, birds! Here are some of the birds I have seen recently.


Redwings are a type of Thrush and are normally found in Scandinavia and Iceland. They leave there around September to escape the harsh winters. When they arrive in the UK exhausted from the flight, they can often be seen munching on fruit and berries. Sometimes, Redwings can live to be 18 years old! Redwing get their name from the dark orange/red markings under their wings. Their easiest identification is the white bands round their eyes. I thought I got a picture of a Redwing a week ago, but when I looked back at the image it was just a Song Thrush, as it didn't have the white band round its eye.

Little Egret

These types of Heron are most common by sea, but will feed by rivers and marshes.  They were once a rare visitor to the UK from the Mediterranean, but are now common near the coasts. Although I saw this one by my house which is about 15 miles from the coast.
You can identify the Little Egret by it's long black legs with yellow feet. It has a black bill and long plumes on its head and neck during the breeding season. In the 19th century, the plumes were more valuable than gold. Their population declined until laws were brought in to protect them.


  1. You are so observant to see all these birds, I must start looking more.
    In a couple of weeks the RSPB will be doing its weekend looking for garden birds


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