
As we've been walking more locally recently, we have spotted 3 Buzzards that live in our area. The other day I was lucky enough to spot one close up, and flew over me! I was able to get a photo.


Buzzards scientific name is Buteo buteo and are the UK's most common bird of prey. You can find them almost anywhere but are most common in Scotland, Wales, Lake District and South West England. Their colours vary from dark to light brown, but their distinctive dark wingtips help identify them. 

Buzzards often eat small mammals, birds and carrion, but will also eat reptiles, amphibians, large insects and earthworms. Their distinctive call can often be heard and sounds a bit like a cat. It reminds me of the old western films with the birds of prey circling over.

Buzzards make a few different nests within their territory, usually 1 to 3 but can sometimes be a lot more. They will often nest on rocky cliffs or trees. The nest is made up of twigs, branches and heather and is often a big and strong structure to hold their weight. The size of their nest is around 1m in diameter and 60cm deep. 

3/4 of young buzzards die before mature age of 3 years, mainly from starvation. The average age of a mature buzzard is 8 years, although they have been known to live into their 20's!

I spotted this buzzard with something in its talons.


  1. Really interesting, I didn't know about them having more than one nest


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