RSPB South Stack

On Saturday we went to RSPB South Stack in Anglesey and saw a lot of wildlife.

South Stack Lighthouse

There is a view point were you can see a lot of nesting sea birds on the cliffs. On the cliff we saw Guillemots, Razorbills, Gulls and Shags. Unfortunately we didn't see any Puffins, although they were around as other people had seen them.

 The cliff tops are home to a lot of wildflowers, Gorse and Heather. This was home to a lot of wildlife, but you had to look carefully. I saw some birds which I have never seen before, so I had to look them up when I got home. Here are some of the things I saw.


Herring Gull

Red Banded Sand Wasp

Female Wheatear

Male Wheatear

Meadow Pipit


Sea Campion

Sea Thrift


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