Red Squirrels at Penrhos Costal Park

The other day we went to Penrhos costal park. We know there are red squirrels there but last time we didn't see any, so I wasn't getting my hopes up. In the end I saw five red squirrels, I didn't expect to see that many. The have feeding stations set up in the woodland and that is where I saw them

This is some information about Penrhos Costal Park by the Woodland Trust: This area has been a Nature reserve for decades with generations of Holyhead people being able to enjoy the natural heritage of this area: the wooded area was planted in the 19th century and it has a wealth of woodland: mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland; flora and fauna: bluebell beds; meadow butterflies, and fresh water habitats. This area alone attracts 100,000 visitors every year.

Red Squirrels

Anglesey is a good place to see red squirrels as there hasn't been a sighting of grey squirrels, which carries a disease that kill the red squirrels, since 2013. Grey squirrels come from North America in 1876 and have colonised very quickly. The decline of pine martin as well, has let grey squirrels spread. Pine martins eat squirrels, although as red squirrels are native they have a natural instinct to stay away from pine martins. This means pine martins tend to eat more grey squirrels. Possibly the introduction of more pine martins would help the red squirrel population, The Vincent Wildlife Trust has been introducing more pine martins over the past few years.


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