Titchwell Marsh - Part 2

 Here is Part 2 about the birds we saw in Titchwell Marsh


The Ruff is on the red list and it's numbers are quickly dropping. They don't breed a lot in the UK according to the RSPB and only 11 females breed here. They eat insects, larvae, frogs, small fish and seeds and have an estimated lifespan of up to 4 years.

The man from the RSPB Team told me this was definitely a Ruff. I didn't know much about them so when I got home I had a look on the RSPB Website and it said there are only 820 of them in the UK. I feel so lucky to have seen one.


The Avocet is the bird on the RSPB logo, I like their long curved bill. Avocets are one of the birds you have a great chance of seeing at Titchwell Marsh as there are more than 150 of them! They eat aquatic insects and their larvae, crustaceans and worms and have a lifespan of up to 15 years!  

Little Ringed Plover

Little Ringed Plovers aren't that small as they have a wingspan of up to 48cm. They eat insects and aquatic invertebrates and have expected lifespan of up to 10 years.

I also saw:


Black-Tailed Godwit



We also were lucky enough to see a Chinese Water Deer! The same man who told me about the Ruff said they are totally free roaming and have escaped from Woburn Abbey.

The site was one of the best places I have been to for wildlife, definitely making my top 3! The staff were always interested in what you were saying and would always help you if needed. If you are going to Norfolk, you should definitely go there and I hope to go back to Norfolk and definitely go here to visit again.


  1. How wonderful, you are certainly seeing and learning loads.


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