Watatunga Wildlife Reserve

On our trip to Norfolk we visited Watatunga Wildlife Reserve. Watatunga is a nature reserve where you go on safari in a golf buggy. I liked driving around in the golf buggy while Jonathan talked to us over the radio, telling us all about the habitats, wildlife and flowers. Watatunga is the only one of these type of experiences I have seen and it was like no other experience I have been on. I would definitely visit again.

 Watatunga want to try and increase the numbers of the planets last population of endangered species of deer and antelope. Take the Scimitar-horned deer for example, this deer has been extinct in the wild since 2000 and Watatunga are hoping to breed these deer to help their population.

Some of the species we saw included:

Deer and antelope
Père David's Deer
Scimitar-Horned Oryx
Roan Antelope
Kafue Flats Lechwe
White-Lipped Deer
Water Buffalo

Great Bustard
White Stork
White-Napped Crane
Reeve Pheasant

Brown Hare
Emperor Dragonfly

Reeve Pheasant

Brown Hare


Water Buffalo

Great Bustard

White-Naped Crane

White Stork

You can also get a self catering cottage, which they have two of and can stay at the reserve. If you book the Major's Lodge, you also get a buggy which you can go out on any time around the safari and access to a hide. This lodge is  fully assessable so is great for everyone. I would like to do this and go out on safari in the morning and at night to see what different species you may see. Jonathan told us about the rutting in the autumn and they might make a special tour in rutting season. They have a lot of exciting plans and we are following them on social media so we can see what they are up to. Jonathan also told us about the work they are doing with local schools and groups, I wish my school was closer!

I loved this visit and am so happy I went to this place that are making a big difference. I'd love to visits them again.


  1. It sounds so exciting, I hope you sent this blog to them, they will be so pleased with your recommendation. You have certainly made the most of the opening up since the lockdown.

  2. A very interesting blog, Henry. What a lovely way to spend a few days so close to nature. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.


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