
Showing posts from November, 2021


My nanny has always wanted to see a Kingfisher, so we took both sets of grandparents off to the Spinnies Aberogwen in search for a kingfisher. We were lucky enough to spot one. We saw it from the Sea Hide and it came back and forth 3 times. We also saw it catch a fish and it landed on a branch right in front of us. What a treat!!!! Kingfisher The Kingfisher lives in the UK all year round. They have a wingspan of 25cm and weigh 38g. They live in burrows in river banks close to clear rivers and streams. They eat small fish, larvae of aquatic insects and tadpoles. They breed between April and July and lay 6-8 eggs. They incubate for 19-21 days and fledge at 25 days. They have 2-3 broods a year.

Mushrooms and Fungi

 The other day we went on a walk and saw a lot of fungi. The Fungus family includes mushrooms, mould, mildews, yeast and rust. Sometimes they are good for humans such as mould to make blue cheese and yeast to make bread but on the other hand mildew ruins crops. Mushrooms can be edible or poisonous. Fungi reproduce by spores which spread by wind, water or animals. They only grow if there is enough food and nutrients. You normally see them in late summer, autumn and early winter because the conditions are right. Here are some fungi I saw in just one field! I think these identifications right, but never eat them or pick them unless you are not 100% sure of what they are. This fungi is either a Popular Fieldcap or Tawny Grisette.  Yellow Club Common Inkcap Parrot Wax Cap Winter Oyster Why not arrange a Fungi Foray with friends or family. A Fungi Foray is big group of people searching for fungi. It can be for scientific reasons, just to see them or for eating them.