Big Garden Birdwatch 2022

Today we took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2022. We were lucky to see a whole host of birds in the garden this morning. Here's what we saw.

16 House Sparrows

Could this be their 19th year in a row of being the most common UK garden bird??

Even though they have been first for a while now, their numbers are dropping and are now on the Red List. Their population has dropped by 71% between 1977 and 2008. Whilst numbers are still declining in England, data surveys show population increases in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which is amazing news for these birds. 

2 Robins

Robins are very territorial all year round but these two were eating on the same feeder together which makes me think they are male and female. Hopefully they are nesting not too far away or even in one of our nest boxes. I would love to see them nesting in my nest box with the camera in it!! Robins came 6th last year, will they hop higher this year?

Numbers of Robins are doing well and they are on the Green List. 

2 Coal Tits

Only one of these came down to the feeder and the other stayed at the top of the ivy bush. Last year Blue Tits, Great Tits and Long-tailed tits were all in the top ten, could the coal tit make it there this year?

Coal Tits are on the Green List. They are a regular visitor to any feeder and store some of the seeds or nuts for a later date.

3 Blackbirds

A few of these ground feeders showed up this morning hopping around the bottom of the bird feeder picking up the seeds that other birds had thrown on the floor. They came fourth last year which is very good news for the Blackbirds. Will they stay in the top ten this year though?

They are on the Green List and our one of the most common and most well know garden birds.

3 Blue Tits

They came second last year and are one of the smallest common garden birds. Also, in my opinion, they have the cutest chicks. Once they have fledged they look like their mum and dad, but with yellow instead of white feathers. Will they be top dog, or should I say top bird this year?

These birds are on the Green List as well.

1 Woodpigeon

Only one Woodpigeon showed up today. Last year, if you can remember, the Woodpigeons nested in our tree. Sadly only one of there 3 eggs hatched and that squab fell out of the nest and died on a windy night. Fingers crossed they will be more successful this year. Woodpigeons came 5th last year, can they fly up the table this time?

Woodpigeons are on the Amber List. They have different characteristics in different habitats. In the countryside, where I live, they can be quite shy and flitty, but in cities like were my Nanny and Grandad live, they are quite tame and brave.

1 Dunnock

I haven't seen our Dunnock for a while now and to my delight he turned up today. They were not in the top ten last year but can they make it there this time?

Dunnock are also on the on the Amber List. They are quite shy and are often seen on there own and can easily be confused for sparrows.

1 Magpie

This Magpie sat down, looked around and flew away. He wasn't here for long but he still counts. They came 9th last year, will they have to scavenge for a place at the top this year?

Magpies are on the Green List and there scientific name is Pica pica like the Pokémon Pikachu says!!

1 Siskin

Another bird I haven't see for a while!! At about halfway through the hour, this little female Siskin hopped in and ate some Sunflower Hearts.

They are on the Green List and is a resident breeder from southern England to northern Scotland, but are more successful in Scotland and Wales.

2 Collared Dove

With one and a half minutes left on the clock, we thought it was unusual the Collared doves hadn't turned up, but to our surprises they turn up just in time. One Collared Dove turned up and landed on the tree house, then another one came and landed next to it. Yay!!

They are also on the Green List.

I would LOVE to know what birds showed up to your garden, whether its unusual or not. Please put the birds you saw and where you saw them in the comments down below, as I am interested what birds are in different parts of the UK and the world. 

Many Thanks 

Henry 😉


  1. What a great summary of the birds you saw and with so much information, I'm very impressed. I'm afraid I didnt last the hour but did get back for a little while longer later in the day. I suppose that's cheating but the feeders had been busy all day. Here's my count:-
    Sparrows 9
    Starlings 7
    Dunnock 2
    Magpie 1
    Robin 1
    Blue Tit 1 (but I'm sure there must have been another hiding cos they rarely seem to be alone)

    That's it, I hope another people put their results in


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