
Showing posts from May, 2022

Local Wildflower Meadow

 About a year ago, me and my family had a conversation about how sad it was seeing all the dandelions and daisies growing on the patch of grass near us, and then the council coming and cutting the grass before the pollinators have a chance to get to them. Surely the bees and butterflies must be annoyed. So we e-mailed the council questioning about the the grass cutting problem and maybe turning some of the patch of grass into a meadow for nature. This year we had an e-mail saying how sorry they were for not getting a reply to us sooner and that they thought turning the patch into a meadow was an amazing idea. So the other day I went to meet Joel and Liam from the biodiversity team at Denbighshire County Council. We had a walk around the St Asaph Tree Nursery and had a chat about how to help the meadow and what might grow there. Liam told us that him and another lady called Katie do surveys of all the meadows they have. So me and Tommy (my little brother) decided to do our own little su