Coed Felenrhyd and Llennyrch

On Sunday we went to the Woodland Trust site Coed Felenrhyd and Llennyrch in Maentwrog. We decided to go to this wood because when we signed up to Woodland Trust membership at Camp Bestival, the volunteer had recommended these woods. He suggested a visit as it looked like a rainforest.

 When we got there, we could see what he meant. There were some very old, tall trees and the sound of water trickling filled the air. We saw a map near the start which showed us the paths and different routes were highlighted in various colours. It also told you where to look for the instructions on the website. The instructions were very clear and useful. The only problem was that it said it would take 1 hour, so we took the 1 hour route as we had limited time, but it actually took us about 1 hour 45 mins.

The start was up a very steep hill for about 30 minutes, but the rest was downhill or flat. The only issue was some fallen down trees, but the rest was OK. My favourite part was when there was a rope across a river, and you had to walk over it.

As it had been raining a lot recently, there were lots of fungi around.


Here are some pictures I took



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