
Showing posts from January, 2023

RSPB Parkgate 08/01/2023

 Yesterday we payed our first visit to RSPB Parkgate. Parkgate is famous for its Salt Marshes which are home to Hen Harriers, Marsh Harriers, Curlews, Black-Headed Gulls, Stonechats, Lapwings and Short Eared Owls! I was most exited for the Short Eared Owls and the birds of prey as I haven't seen many of them this year. We arrived there at high-tide, which is the best time to see the birds close up, and just driving to the car park I spotted Little Egrets, Little Grebe, Mallard, Heron and a Marsh Harrier! Here are some of the birds we saw: Brent Geese Stonechat Lapwing Song Thrush Marsh Harrier Kestrel Reed Bunting We also saw: Lesser Black-Backed Gull Robin Great Tit Grey Heron Herring Gull Mallard Magpie Woodpigeon Skylark Chaffinch Little Egret Carrion Crow Black Headed Gull Blackbird Curlew