RSPB Conwy 12/2/2023

 On the 12th February I visited RSPB Conwy. My dad had recently purchased a new lens for my camera which had better zoom, so I was exited to test it out. 

Blue Tit outside the Visitor Centre

In the Visitor Centre, there was a sign that said "Sightings Today." I read it and made myself a target list for our visit which ended up being the next 2 and a half hours. This included Stonechat (which aren't normally there), Tufted Duck, Water Rail (they're always on my list when we go to RSPB Conwy as it apparently a good place for them, but have never seen one) and Shovlers. We headed outside and went to the first hide

In the first hide, there was nothing special really only 2 Mute Swans and 5 Mallards. We headed out of the hide towards the viewing point a bit further up the lake. A thin path winded through the reeds, this was the place that was good to see Water Rail. Water Rail are secretive birds, but loud. Listen out for their pig-squealing type call whenever you're around Reedbeds. If you hear it, there's probably a Water Rail about, or an escapee pig!

One of the Swans from the first hide

There were no Water Rail about this time, although I might have heard one (but also could have been a child screaming). 

At the viewing point there were a lot more birds. This included a few Coots, lots of Shovlers, Herring Gulls, Teal and Mallard. All of these were nice to see, especially the Teal, but my focus was on the Shovlers. These were a first for me so I was exited. I knew Shovlers had long shovel-like beaks, but I didn't realise it was SO much bigger than I originally thought. Shovlers are in the UK all 12 months of the year, but are only in the North and South of Wales so not very common in the middle of Wales. Luckily I live in the North, so should be seeing them again soon around and about. Their shovel-like beaks help them find their food (seeds and small animals) from the bottom of shallow pools/lakes/rivers.


Next we headed to the bird feeders surrounded by trees. There we saw Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Rock Doves, Blackbirds, Dunnocks and a Siskin. Nothing to special here as most of these birds are in our garden except Rock Doves, who don't live in the area, so they were nice to see.

Part 2 Coming Soon!


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