RSPB Conway Part 2 - The Goosander

 We left the viewing point and headed to the next hide. On the way there we passed a little pond so we stopped off there. We saw some Blue Tits, Magpies, Song Thrush, and a Dunnock


On the way to a gate which lead to a path towards the hide we saw a little Goldcrest flitting about in the tree. I'm surprised how close it got (I bet i could have touched it!). Unfortunately it was too quick and too close to get a photo. After getting through the gate without hitting the Goldcrest, there was a straight path towards the hide in front of us. A Robin was merrily singing in a tree and a Stonechat sat in the gorse. We were just about to get into the hide when an elderly couple passed and told us there was a Goosander on the lake! I was so exited! I ran to the hide and there it was, the Goosander!


A goosander is part of duck, geese and swans family. They are about 58 to 66cm long and have a wingspan of up to 82 to 97cm long! There are a lot of resident Goosanders in Wales and quite a few in Northern England although you don't regularly see them, this is the first time I've ever seen one!


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