
Showing posts from August, 2023

Grand Canyon 2023

Sorry I have not posted a blog for a while, I have been on a 3 week trip to the USA! One of the places we went on that trip was the Grand Canyon. The grand canyon is an incredible place. When your there it looks 2D and like you could touch it. Here are some facts:        It’s one of the longest canyons in the world, measuring over 270 miles long        It formed around 5 to 6 million years ago when the Colorado River started flowing through it.         It contains some of the oldest exposed rocks on the planet.         It’s home to around 70 species of mammals, 22 of which are bats, 250 species of bird, and 25 types of reptiles.        It is one of the 7 natural Wonders of the World.       Guano Point got its name because of the bat poo which was found in a cave near the point. At the time bat poo was very expensive but good fertiliser. They put in a cable cart to get down to the cave easily. This was later destroyed when a jet flew through the cable.         It is also an UNESCO Wor

BTO Bird Camp Wales 2023 Part 1

 Recently I attended the 2023 BTO Bird Camp for Wales for the 2nd year in a row. A lot of the friends I met last year like Deri, Tyler, Gabe, Finn and more were there but there were also some new faces. We arrived at the same bunkhouse as last year and waited for everyone to arrive. After that we set up our rooms. I was sharing with Deri, Tyler and Finn. After setting up we headed to the yard and played a game to learn each others names. We had to throw a ball to someone and say their name. I think I was better at throwing than remembering everyone's names! For dinner we had a very nice chilli made by the BTO volunteers with guacamole and nachos. We then set some camp rules that everyone agreed on and signed it. That stayed on the wall for the rest of bird camp. Next up was the evening activity, Bat walk. Bob and Annie, the experts who were there last year did it with us and also another man (I told you I'm hopeless at names!), who was a bat expert, came along just for this act