Pebble Beach at 17 Mile Drive

 On our America Road trip we also visited Pebble Beach at the 17 Mile Drive, Pacific Grove, made famous by its golf course. It was a lovely costal drive which spanned for 17 miles (its name has a good meaning!). There was a variety of wildlife like Sea Lions, Heermann's Gulls, Black Oystercatchers (get to them in a bit), Seals and Lizards. There are 17 points in total pointed out on the map, but 2 of them aren't places to get out and have a look. My favourite stop was probably Bird Rock and I think you can figure out why, without me explaining!

At Bird Rock, I was filming a Black Oystercatcher, as I finished a lady came over to say hello. She asked me if I was a Birder and of course I said yes. She then mentioned she was the person who looks out for the Black Oystercatchers as they are quite rare. Apparently there were chicks on one of the rocks near by and she was out checking. She also mentioned they fledge between 38-40 days and this was the 39th day! So they were due to leave the nest at any time! She also helped me identify some other birds I found like a Surfbird. I said bye to the lady and she gave me a Black Oystercatcher Project sticker which was nice.

Its always nice to meet local birder to help.


 Length: 9cm

Wingspan: 71-88cm

Amount of Eggs Laid at a Time: 4 

Species Latin Name: Haematopus Bachmani

Egg Pattern: Creamy white with black spots

They do not migrate

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Then the other day I got a comment on my blog:


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