Pier 39

On our trip to America, our first stop was San Francisco. One place we went whilst we were there was Pier 39. My Mum and Dad said when they went there 15 years ago, every pontoon there was full of Sealions. We headed there and what we saw was a shock! But first a rough history about Pier 39:


It opened on October 4th 1977 with shops, restaurants and a diving pool and was a busy place. In 1989, the Loma Prieta Earthquake happened, this is when the sealions moved in because they lost their home due to the earthquake. Ever since, Pier 39 has famously been their home with lots of tourists visiting to see them. Sealion Specialists believe they moved here after the earthquake as they felt safer inside the bay.

We arrived at Pier 39 and we were shocked. There were only about 10 sealions there! Maybe we went at the wrong time of day? Maybe they were hunting? I don't know but the ten that were there were quite comical! One was sat up posing for pictures and waging his flippers and another male was barking and biting a baby sea lion. Poor thing!

There is now less sea lions at Pier 39 because of the changing environment in the bay. Its a shame really because the sea lions became something of celebrities at San Francisco and now their being scared away!


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