
Showing posts from November, 2023

Burton Mere Species

 Earlier this month we visited Burton Mere. Burton Mere is a good place for a variety of species through the different habitats. Burton Mere is in Cheshire so it is close enough to visit now and again. Here is what we saw. Nuthatch Scientific Name: Sitta Europaea Wingspan: 20-25cm Diet: Insects, Nuts and Seeds Habitat: Mature Woods, Parklands Lifespan: 2 Years I like Nuthatches because they have a very bright plumage and easy to identify. Egyptian Geese Scientific Name: Alopochen Aegyptiacus Wingspan: 134-154cm Diet: Plants and Grains Habitats: Freshwater, Marshes, Grasslands, Agricultural Fields Lifespan: 15-25 Years Egyptian Geese are a relatively new species to me as I only saw my first one on our last visit to Burton Mere. There a bit of an odd bird plumage-wise, but still a nice one to see. Moorhen Scientific Name: Gallinula Chloropus Wingspan: 50-55cm Diet : Water Plants, Seeds, Fruits, Grasses, Insects, Snails, Worms and Small Fish Habitats: Urban and Suburban, Farmland,