Burton Mere Species

 Earlier this month we visited Burton Mere. Burton Mere is a good place for a variety of species through the different habitats. Burton Mere is in Cheshire so it is close enough to visit now and again. Here is what we saw.


Scientific Name: Sitta Europaea

Wingspan: 20-25cm

Diet: Insects, Nuts and Seeds

Habitat: Mature Woods, Parklands

Lifespan: 2 Years

I like Nuthatches because they have a very bright plumage and easy to identify.

Egyptian Geese

Scientific Name: Alopochen Aegyptiacus

Wingspan: 134-154cm

Diet: Plants and Grains

Habitats: Freshwater, Marshes, Grasslands, Agricultural Fields

Lifespan: 15-25 Years

Egyptian Geese are a relatively new species to me as I only saw my first one on our last visit to Burton Mere. There a bit of an odd bird plumage-wise, but still a nice one to see.


Scientific Name: Gallinula Chloropus

Wingspan: 50-55cm

Diet: Water Plants, Seeds, Fruits, Grasses, Insects, Snails, Worms and Small Fish

Habitats: Urban and Suburban, Farmland, Wetland, Grassland

Lifespan: 3 Years

With Moorhens, a lot of people get mixed up when trying to tell the different between them and Coots. The difference is Coots have white beaks and Moorhens have red and yellow beak. This Moorhen was sat not even a meter away from the path and wasn't scared at all!

Black Tailed Godwit

Scientific Name: Limosa Limosa

Wingspan: 70-82cm

Diet: Insects, Bugs and Worms

Habitats: Marine, Wetlands and Grasslands

Lifespan: 18 years

Black Tailed godwits are a very nice wader which are often seen but are on the red list. It took me a while to identify this one.



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