
Showing posts from December, 2023


Recently there have been waxwings in our local Aldi car park and I wanted to see them for myself to get a good photo. Waxwings are birds that winter in this country and travel here from Scandinavia. According to the Wildlife Trust, sometimes only 100 or so Waxwings come to the UK, but other years they come in their thousands and this is known as an irruption. I would would say this year must be an irruption year as they seem to have be spotted all over the country. Rowan berries are their favourite food, so supermarket car parks are always a good place to spot them (Not were I usually go to do my birdwatching!). These are the first ever Waxwings I have seen and it was an unforgettable experience. We arrived at the Aldi car park at about 8am (ish), just as we arrived, we saw someone driving off and thought maybe we were just out of luck and the Waxwings had moved on. At first we didn't see anything except a bush with quite a few berries, but a few moments later a flock of about 20 b