About Me

Hi! I'm Henry and I'm 13 years old. I live in Denbighshire, North Wales. I have a passion for Animals, Birds, Wildlife, Nature and Photography. I have started this blog to share some amazing wildlife! Hopefully I can educate some people on wildlife and learn some new stuff myself!

I'm lucky enough to live in a rural village with loads of wildlife on my doorstep! I like taking my dog, Max, for a walk and taking some photos whilst I'm out. I also enjoy taking pictures of my pet Tortoise, Turbo.


  1. You have certainly covered lots of different animals, birds and fauna. Keep going and inspire as more. I'm very proud of you.

  2. Henry, my wife, "Della" introduced you to the Black Oyster Catchers here in Pebble Beach, California today. She was so pleased to make this introduction and to share with you the little BLOY chick that was hatched about 40 days ago. The chick will likely fledge VERY soon. You have a great and respected interest in wildlife. Continue to pursue this interest and enjoy the wonders of Nature. I'm sorry I did not get a chance to meet you. Roger


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